
In de korte periode dat ik met Remco heb samengewerkt heb ik hem leren kennen als zeer deskundige Testcoördinator. Inhoudelijk weet hij exact waar hij het over heeft en hoe het draaiboek doorlopen moeten worden om tot het beste resultaat te komen. Hierin geeft hij een duidelijk en concreet kader.
Remco is een zeer enthousiaste, betrokken en hardwerkende testspecialist, die in staat is gebleken om complexe en moeizame projecten te overzien en de testactiviteiten daarbinnen goed te structureren en te sturen. Zijn persoonlijkheid maakt hem zeer geliefd bij zijn team en de resources die hij nodig heeft om de resultaten te behalen. Remco is op management niveau duidelijk aanwezig en neemt daar nooit een afwachtende houding aan. Zijn diepe kennis van bevindingen registratie en planningstools maken hem iemand die moeiteloos de stand van zaken kan duiden en het kritieke pad kan bewaken. Ik zou Remco zeker aanbevelen bij complexe of moeizame trajecten waar veel overzicht en verbinding noodzakelijk is. Maar ook om gewoon eens gezellig koffie mee te drinken; Remco heeft een rijk privé leven en heeft altijd wel iets bijzonders te vertellen.
Remco is an experienced and skilled test consultant, who gets the job done. Pleasure to have in the team.
Ik heb Remco tijdens onze samenwerking als een zeer professioneel en deskundig persoon ervaren, iemand waarop men kan bouwen en die zijn afspraken nakomt.
Thank you for your direct communication on and coordination of the FBD-project at Facilicom. Remco was a pleasant collegue and fine project manager. Tough and straight-forward when needed, humorous when possible and always open and approachable.
Testing together with Remco is a joy. His approach to testing is very systematical. He keeps asking questions until he understands the processes, the test-needs and all related issues. His testing experience and his insight in business needs have helped us enormously in achieving a succesfull datac... See more
I have had a great manager in Remco who I have come to appreciate as creatively dedicated to achieve the set goals, not afraid to stick out his neck for what he believes in and very social, loyal and inspiring to his team members.
Ik heb Remco leren kennen als test-manager en manager SAP CC. In beide rollen is hij een prettige partner/colega geweest om mee samen te werken en tot goede afspraken te komen. Remco is zeer betrokken en weet een team te creeren van zijn medewerkers.
Een manager met hart voor de zaak en hart voor zijn mensen. Hij is ambitieus en gedreven. Heeft visie en deelt die ook met anderen. Is communicatief vaardig, luistert goed en beargumenteerd zijn standpunten. Hij is een teambouwer en ik heb met plezier met hem gewerkt. Remco heeft visie op en kennis van software testen. Jammer dat FSG daar het nut en rendement niet van erkende, maar voortschrijdend inzicht komt met de tijd.
Remco knows what he is talking about. Is open for suggestions and works very hard! Very commit to his staff but also to everyone who helps him from the outside! Besides being a very friendly and good collgue he is also one hell of a Carpenter is his spare time!
I had the pleasure of working directly with Remco during his time as a SAP Competence Centre Manager at Facilicom Services Group, and his tremendous abilities never ceased to amaze me. With his creativity and leadership skills he managed to build a winning team from a group of individual allowing him to quickly switch tactics if the customer changes their mind about something at the last minute. He also introduced structure in our day-by-day activities and he was always keen to listen to any idea. Armed with his positive mindset and excellent people management skills he demonstrated to be a great leader. I was a member of Remco’s team, and during that time, we worked together closely, so I fully understand his capabilities. With his abilities, adaptability, and dedication, Remco will make a great manager for any company. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Remco is een bijzonder getalenteerd project- en testmanager. Hij combineert een robuuste methodische kennis met de nodige pragmatiek. Hij is communicatief vaardig en collegiaal.
Remco is one of those unique persons who you know "will take care of it". Remco is excellent at handling extremely large work loads, dispatching tasks and getting others to do their job. Delegating where he can, Remco also takes responsibility for the end result, making sure this is achieved as promised. Being straight and to the point, Remco can make the right decisions very quickly, asking the right questions and requiring only short answers. That being said, Remco is very much a people's person, always taking the time to check up on his colleagues and defending their interests. It's been a great pleasure to work with Remco and I look forward to working with him again in the future.
First of all I want to congratulate Remco's new employer with hiring him, sadly this means I won't get to work with him in Paris! Little over a year ago Remco convinced me to switch companies and to take on a huge task at CenterParcs: improving requirement management and testmanagement. I figured it would be pretty exciting but that would eventually prove to be a huge understatement, in fact, it was an epic adventure. I've seen Remco move out of his comfort zone (testing) into new areas, bringing improvements wherever possible. Within our team Remco also invested heavily in coaching, I've learned many many things this year, both in expertise and on a personal level. I'm sure that had it been possible from a personal perspective Remco would have joined me in Paris and that together we could have improved many things and get to see the work we already did at Center Parcs come to life!
Remco en ik hebben gedurende het complexe Air Miles project geruime tijd nauw met elkaar samengewerkt, waarbij de hoofdactiviteit lag in het helder krijgen van de requirements van de op te leveren deelsystemen en afstemming van diverse testen. Remco is een zeer prettige persoon om mee samen te werken, vanwege zijn inzet, pragmatische werkwijze en analytisch vermogen. Remco is duidelijk aanwezig tijdens discussies en schroomt niet de trekkersrol op zich te nemen, maar heeft zeker ook de capaciteit om te luisteren naar anderen en concessies te doen, om zodoende snel tot resultaten te komen.
I met Remco during the start up period of Catalyst Interactive Europe. While working together I learned to know Remco as an intelligent and enthusiastic person. I really enjoyed working with him and he showed to be a people oriented, open minded, smart and fast learning all-rounder. I'm honestly looking forward to work with him again in the near future!
Remco has shown to be an intelligent, straight-forward thinking and reliable person. He is capable of quick analysing what the issue or situation is and how to act. He oversees the situation, is flexible in finding solutions, determined to reach his goal and will keep his promise. Remco has proven himself to be a person with knowledge about test strategies and project consequences if choosing for a certain strategy on project level. He has shown himself as a person who can motivate others to follow the same direction. Furthermore he has shown to have knowledge of the persons he was working with. He always knows how to approach them at best and how to handle them in difficult situations. I enjoyed working with him.
Remco is a result-driven project manager who achieves results even in a complex and difficult environment.
Remco is een testmanager met een flinke dosis ervaring op het gebied van o.a. testtools, teststrategien en systeemontwikkelmethoden. Voor organisaties waar het testen nog in de kinderschoenen staat, is Remco de aangewezen persoon om het testen op de rit te krijgen en in het ontwikkelproces te integeren. Verder is het prettig communiceren met Remco door de aanwezigheid van voldoende humor.
Very professional consultant with a fresh view and the skills to get the job done. Apart from that, also a nice collegue to work with.
The kind of person who get things done, even under difficult circomstances, due to his in-depth knowledge on various fields. Great productivity and intelligent appliance of skills. Pro-active and efficient colleague, together with outstanding personality.